Saturday 30 November 2013

Tate Modern Trip.

The question is, can one fall in love with London more than they already have. This day is living proof that i can be won over by the city i live in more than ever. 
Due to my obsessive and wild habit of photographing everything i can possibly see the day is parted into three separate posts; beginning with this particular event. 

The Tate Modern is a must, without a doubt. The walk at eleven o’clock in the morning from Mansion House, very crisp and clear, encouraging me more than ever to route around my winter clothes boxes for my infinite collection of mittens and gloves. This time in the morning, especially on a saturday the city on this side of The Thames is quieter than the little town i used to live, it is almost apocalyptic apart from the occasional bustle of a group tour or school trip. Crossing the bridge however reminds me that i am in a city that never stops no matter the time of day or weather (unless there is snow, then it is lock down). 

Tate provides a great array of art at anyone time from a littering of Picasso and Dali to a starfish supporting a stiletto heel. And it is free which is always such an advantage that i am now living in the ways a student does - the world greatest scrounger. 

They also have a great viewing platform, above the entrance providing me the opportunity to switch lenses and let loose. 
On leaving the gallery the courtyard could only be described as a dream of mine. Greeted by a Bubble Bee the transformer, buskers and hushed tones from passing pedestrians. In my euphoria i did perform a little dance for all to see. 

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